Friday, 15 July 2011


Still in Libya, now I am in Misurata. This city is very quiet at present as most of the men are at the front fighting the forces of Gadaffi and striving for freedom from tyrany.

Me I'm getting fed up with it and want to move on.I could do with a good meal but restaurants are still closed and the so called chef in the hotel can only cook with lots of oil. He even drowns pasta in oil, really don't know how he manages it but I cannot eat stuff like that. I tried for a while but then my diabetes kicked in and my sugar levels went through the roof so I stopped. The by product of this lousy chef is that I have lost a fair bit of weight in the last 6 weeks.

A BTS shelter

A Tank

Safety first, even in wartime ! 
Molotovs and fire extinguisher.

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