Last Saturday I went to Taxila with a couple of colleagues. Taxila is a collection of ancient ruins dating back to 500BC or so. Pre-christian so definitley pre-muslim. We visited the museum which seemed to be full of stone heads. Not the best or most interesting place to spend a Saturday morning after getting to bed after 4am. Friday night started with a few drinks at the UN club chatting with some friends and ended up back at Shane's place across the city sucking down some Murree classic lager. had to grap a local cab back to the digs as our driver was again ignoring my calls. He has done this on a few occasions now, such is life when you are reliant on unreliable people.
Anyway after wandering around the museum in a daze and not really taking much in we headed off to find some ruins. Not the most intrepid trio who ever scaled an old city wall, Amir with his leg in plaster, me in a semi-drunken daze and Khalid the fit one!
Found out why the museum was full of heads, they had been nicked off of all the statues we saw in the ruins. Why the heads would be stolen is a mystery to me. Unless it is because they are all of Buddah and the religions that followed felt threatened.
One of the many headless Buddahs
An ancient monastry.
You know after visiting many ancient ruins around the world one pile of rocks is begining to look a lot like any other. Just built by different people. They are all thick walls that surround bedrooms, dining halls, kitchens and khazis. Am I just a little toooooo cynical???